Monday, September 21, 2009

"Fear" of God

Again, I can't get pasts a few paragraphs in "Dangerous Wonder" by Mike Yaconelli without having to write down of of my thoughts.

This paragraph just lept within my heart as I read it:

"I am beginning to wonder if we modern followers of Christ are capable of being terrified of God. No fear of God. No fear of Jesus. No fear of the Holy Spirit. As a result, we have ended up with a feel-good gospel that attracts thousands...but transforms no one."

I have worked in the UMC for 10 yrs and the paragraph above is a mirror of the so called 'gospel' I experienced week after week of those 10 yrs. I know that statement is very harsh, but I believe with all my heart the majority of those that would read this blog and are a part of the UMC will agree with that statement for the most part. Don't get my wrong, there are pockets of believers w/in the UMC who truly understand the 'awe' and 'fear' of God that Mike mentions, but most I believe fall into the category of the thousands attracted by the "feel-good" gospel but are completely un-transformed by it.

SIDE NOTE: And what is good about a blog...its my thoughts and you can disagree all you want, but this is a free country and I can blog about anything I dang well want to...its my blog!!!!

I look around everyday. I read articles. I personally experience working for minimum wage each week. I watch the news and I see the lack of true trasformation all around me. I see a nation of people, that some 83+% claim to be Christians...followers of Christ...and I see them ignoring the very things that Jesus taught us to do. Example: take the health care crisis this nation faces and/or the poverty levels that our nation faces each and every day. Surveys and statistics tell us that these are 2 of the greatest issues facing our nation. And what is the solution that "the people" (83% are Christians) want? They want the government to fix it.

But what did Jesus tell us / show us to do? Jesus healed the sick, gave food to the hungry, raised the dead to life, etc. Jesus didn't look to the government...the Roman nor the Jewish do the job, He worked at it Himself. There were no "qualifications" anyone had to meet. They didn't have to be Jews, or meet this or that standard of living, etc. Anyone that had need, no matter their station in life, He met the need. And Jesus taught his disciples (and not just the 12, but the larger group of 72 that traveled with him) to do the same things.

But what do we do today, we throw money at the problem. We expect the "professionals" (whether that means the politicians, church staff people, government "relief" committees, etc.) to do it for us. "Isn't that what we pay them to do?" We keep people at an arms length. We don't wanna get our hands dirty. But that is completely and totally against everything that Jesus taught us and the early Church lived by.

The UMC is considered a part of the Social Justice part of "The Church" in N. America. The UMC leads the way in so many poverty issues, etc. But what I have found is that more and more or should I say less and less of those "following" Jesus in the UMC are getting their hands dirty. They are throwing their money at the problem and are expecting the professionals (or their youth groups) to handle it. I believe that is why the Central TX Conference Youth in Mission program struggles more and more every year to find adults who will commit a week of their lives to get their hands dirty and make a difference. It's a lot easier to pay their child's way to go on the mission trip, or buy stupid stuff at a fundraiser, because they can say they did their part, but are unwilling to be the hands and feet of Jesus. What kind of example are they setting for their teenagers? Actions speak a lot louder than words Church.

What would Jesus say of us? If I am truly honest, just looking at my own actions, Jesus is probably not happy at all. Should I be afraid? YES! I would be a fool not to be. Jesus is God, Himself, the Creator of the universe. I am a sinner. But I am a sinner saved by Grace. I have been redeemed and given the title of Child of God. And with that comes a huge responsibility. Not because I have to. Not out of obligation. But out of gratitude and love. I want to do it. I want to be different. I have been transformed by Jesus. I am not the same and I never will be the same again.

I guess it comes down to this. I don't have any money to throw at the "problem". All I have are my hands and my heart, and my feet to give and I give them to you Jesus to use as you will.

I'm sick of this feel-good gospel that we teach as 'christianity'. Jesus put your fear back into the heart of those that claim to follow you. Change us. Bring the fear back to your people. Separate those who are truly yours from those that are not. And may those of us who are truly yours stand up and get to work and "show" the world that you are there, that you are real, and that you are still working to heal and feed and comfort those who have need.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure why you're writing this, like it's some kind of new and recent knowledge you've aquired. Community has always been important to God, that's why He said not to forsake the fellowship of the belivers.

    It's also why we have the Body of Christ, also known as the Church.

    As far as marriage goes, who ever said that you had to be married, I think that Bible teaches that it's a blessing either way, to be married or to be single.

    Be single be happy, and don't forsake the fellowship of believers, which is a community fo believers.

    Thank you,

    Keith Lovelady
