Wednesday, September 9, 2009


An hour ago I was so sleepy I almost didn't pick up my book to read. I knew I would end up on here again. But I did it anyway. One of these day's I'll learn.

Tonight I read about the idea of Jesus and play. Yeah, that's right A few times in my christian life i've heard it mentioned or a question asked, "what do you think Jesus was like when he was a child?" But think for a minute; Jesus playing? Yeah, Jesus played. And I believe just like any other normal boy.

That idea is a little awkward to us, but its not totally out of the question. Yeah, all kids play and we know Jesus had to play at some point as a child. But what about taking the next step. How about Jesus playing as an adult? Now that one is tough. We have been taught all of our christian lives about the "seriousness" of Jesus life...His 3 yrs in ministry, all his miracles, sermons, raising people from the dead, etc. Jesus didn't play. He is the Son of God. God doesn't play. Play is for children. But I beg to differ and Mike Yaconelli does too.

Jesus first miracle was at a wedding. And if you do any kind of study on Hebrew/Jewish weddings, you will quickly find out they are nothing like our "simple" 2 or 3 hr celebrations of today. Weddings celebrations lasted days, most likely a week. That is some serious play time.

Ok, so what about the 3 yrs Jesus spent with the disciples? In reality, we only know bits and pieces of the disciples lives while they traveled and learned from Jesus. What were they doing with all the time they weren't feeding 1000's of folks or listening to Jesus teach the crowds. I don't think they sat around the campfire each night and talked theology. I would bet they played games, told jokes, told stories about their childhood adventures, talked about their families and kids, sang songs, etc. Isn't that play time.

Mike, even talked about a young actor who would act out a scene in one of his plays about the life of Jesus and the disciples, when they all go into a huge mud fight while bathing in the river. Can you imagine? 13 grown men in mud fight? I can hear the gasps for breath, the murmurs of blasphemy, the "how could you talk about our Lord like that". Yeah the Church has really done a marvelous job at teaching us about Jesus (yes that was sarcasim).

I think the church has done a very poor job of teaching us about the REAL Jesus. The Jesus we are taught about in church today is a watered down, completely un-human, shell of the person I read about in my Bible. Just look at all the stories. Jesus had a sense of humor. Look at what he told stories about: odd people, coins, building homes on sand, etc. Look at the famous "Sermon on the mount." We have been taught to take it so seriously. Relax, read it from a different viewpoint. I see Jesus laughing, smiling, picking up stones, or fish and showing them to poeple. Jesus wasn't standing behind some pulpit, in a 3 piece suit, looking all stern and serious like he had just eatin' a whole bag of lemons. :0) Come on, smile. It's ok.

Being a youth minister/director for the last 10 yrs of my life and spending 4 yrs in seminary before that, I have seen what the church has taught first hand. You are treated differently as a pastor and/or leader within the church. People treat you differently, they always seem so serious around you. They apologize for a cuss word that slips out. Conversations are cut short when you walk in a room. People always look embarrassed or uncomfortable when you are around. Why? I think it's because they have been taught you are not quite human, you are a pastor or minister. You have to act different around them. They can send you to hell or something.

So what would happen, if you did something totally unexpected, immature, or irresponsible and just played with them? HUH? Yes, played with them. What if I decided to TP (toilet paper) their house? Shoe polish their car windows? Invite everyone on the block to a huge "slip n' slide" party next satuday? What would people think then? I can hear that sucking in of air again. Most christians would throw a fit. That is so "below" a pastor, a person of his/her reputation should not be TPing someone's house!!!! But, on the other hand, I guarentee you, others would relax. They would begin to see you as a real, flesh and blood person. Someone who has a sense of humor, normal, someone that they can relate to.

I'm not sure if any of this made any sense whatsoever. All I know is that, I love to play. I love to be irresponsible and unpredictable. And guess what, it has gotten me in trouble more than once. A woman of your age TPing other's houses or throwing torilla's all over the yard. What will people think? Oh I know what most think. They are embarrassed. They think I need to grow up and be a better example for their teenagers/kids. "Oh, she is just the youth minister, its ok, its just what they do. She will grow up one of these days and get a real job."

You know what? I think Jesus would be smiling at me. I think Jesus would have been right there with me. I think he would be TPing the pastor's house right beside me.

Jesus knows how to play. And I think he spent a huge amount of his time laughing and enjoying everything life has to offer. I think many will be surprised when they meet Jesus someday. I can't wait for the chance to have a mud fight with the Son of God. Can you?

1 comment:

  1. I'll leave the mudfight with Jesus to you.

    I am warming up for the belching contest.
